Thursday, December 29, 2011

New year, new start.

Christmas was a quiet family affair, the usual over indulgence and most importantly the boys had a great time.
As for the SPV, not much to tell really, she hasn't missed a beat and is running well, I haven't had a chance to get a good run in for a while now, but the daily commute and a run here and there is about as far as I have gone. Nothing has fallen off or apart, but one thing I did whip up as a spare was this fuel tap, I got a new one from a scooter shop somewhere and it broke as soon as I installed it, so I ran with the one that came with the scooter when it arrived, this one I'll just carry in the tool bag just in case I need it, Murphy's law says I will be miles from home when it does pack it in so I'll play it safe.

This is my parking spot at work, out of the weather and away from the local nutters that frequent the solicitors office next door, last thing I need is for the paint to be damaged by some dead beat that has just been given bad news and the first thing they see and feel like kicking over outside the office door is Gloria. No thanks.
By the way it was my boss that recommended this for that exact reason, not me being judgemental.
The spot was made for it I think.

Above is Angus looking coy and just hanging with Dad after I got back from the 300km odd round trip to Geelong a few weeks ago, hence spare tyre,  the other shot is the three little dudes having a cuddle of sorts, it's near impossible to get them all to look in the same direction and smile at the same time, wouldn't have the rascals any other way.
Today must have been stop and talk to the Vespa Guy day, didn't get the memo, I rolled G out onto the street after work and had that "did I lock the office door?" feeling, when I came back down there was a guy circling the scoot with a smile on his face like a Cheshire cat, a lengthy conversation ensued and it turned out he was a motorbike enthusiast and was so excited to see a real example of Italian motoring history in front of his eyes, he didn't hang around long enough for me to stall it three times getting on my way, temperamental old lass.
Two minutes up the road I had stopped to get a couple of beers, came out and there was a Lady of about fifty, it's warm out, she's in short shorts and a singlet, tidy and without sounding like I'm going into the start of a cheap adult movie, She was just going "Ooooooohhhhhh" when she realised it was my scooter she went on to tell me that:
She luuurrrved the colour, "It's Ascot green if you must know"
"My bucket list includes having enough money to buy an old Vespa or Lambretta (cue rolling accent tongue), I just love the old 60's-70's style, LOVE it....
I then give her a short rundown on the SPVs history.
She says "All you need is is a cute Italian girl on the back"
I say " That would be nice, but not sure what my wife would think about that"
"It would be fun, ok see ya"
" I'm Italian by the way" and she walks off to her car.
I ride home thinking about what just happened.....and smile. Did I just get hit on by a woman in a supermarket carpark, gotta love the Vespa.

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