Sunday, December 19, 2010

Front end surprise

Because of the weather I was unable to go riding, I did manage a few short runs after I set the cab, some good, some short and spluttery, I ended up resetting it all twice as I must have had something wrong because I got to the point where the run was just backfiring, sputtering and dying, not at all good. I still have the lake of higher speed power and acceleration after 80kms per hour (approx. 50mph)which i'm told is a classic symptom of timing, I had a chat with a local sparky about the little light circuit shown in the points timing section of and he seemed to think I didn't need the battery holder but sold me the clips, some wire and a light. needless to say I couldn't get the circuit working, well it worked but it didnt cut out when the points seperated like it should, no matter where I clipped them, so I will be going back to see him today. To the naked eye the points open at around the right spot, but I need to be sure. I can't get my hands on a timing light without ordering and waiting, and this close to Christmas it could take weeks.
Anyway I was just having a really good look over the whole bike, at the welded ptsches mainly and everywhere else I could get to without pulling too much apart, I noticed the two grease nipples on the front suspension arms were painted over, I scraped the paint away to check if the nipples were still working, i.e. that the little retaining ball still moved in and sprung out, they did, but I thought I'd just change them, What I found in the first one was a little disturbing, the grease was thick, and I mean hard to spread thick, BUT it was riddled with tiny shards of what looked like brass, now I have no idea what it could be that was in there nor how it ended up in pieces...fark sake.
The other one, the higher up one was fine, fresh grease and all, I replaced both nipples and new grease. I pulled the shiny cover off the arm and had a look in there it all looked ok, I did notice also that the front shock lower rubber looked like it was worn and in need of replacing, but the whole connection looked out of square to me, see bottom photo, It may be that this is how it sits, I don't know.
Pic. one. Grease with the brass shards through it, and the old nipples.
Pic. two. New nipples in place
Pic. three. Inside the arm cover.
Pic. four. Top view of the lower shock connection, does this look like it should???
I rode the GT into work today, weather mainly but I want to take the Sprint for a good run without having to be somewhere on time, just in case. She has 1600 kms on the clock.

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