Friday, December 10, 2010

Quality stuff

So I pulled apart the other two rims. I can't say I was surprised after the first rim but at least the tube in the first one was ok, some surface rust stains from the dying rim but ok, rim #2 wasn't that flash either, also rusted and warped, but it was when I pulled out the tube that it got interesting. I found a double patch job that was obviously done a while ago, I knew as soon as I got the bike that the tubes were old, you could tell from the valve,  so I thought I'd have a look at the inside of the tube since I was going to chuck it out anyway...FFS there were two gashes, not holes, one was 20mm long the other 15mm, I believe that this is called a snakebite puncture, bloody big snakes in Vietnam apparently. I mentioned ages ago that there was something rattling around in the tube, well Pic two shows what it was, I wasn't really sure what it was but it was sort of gravelly & powdery, maybe old dried up glue from the two massive patches that fell through the cravasses in the tube, or dirt, or granulated dried up Nuoc Mam Cham.....
Rim #3 was actually ok I'd re-use it in a pinch. but again the tube was buggered, a patch on opposite ends of the tube, further investigation found pin holes, you get that.
Pic one. The double patch job.
Pic two. The whatever it was rolling around inside the tube.
Pic three. The snake bite puncture from hell, why bother fixing it??
Pic four. The second rim, actually bolted back together, some of the gaps are 4-5 mm, not to mention the rust. Mind you they look nice on the outside.......

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